Donald Woods Winnicott

“La capacità di provare ancora stupore è essenziale nel processo della creatività”


Madball was born as a school sport in November 1997 in Florence, Italy, where it was officially introduced at middle school. Approximately 120.000 students from different school across Italy have been playing Madball since 1998 to present day (2009)

An important element of the game is the facility to be able to partecipate immediately.

Madball is a team-sport innovative, fast, dynamic, easy to learn, which can be practiced both outdoor and indoor, and is perfectly suited for the schools. It’s a game of few, but straightforward rules.

It  is a sport that through a controlled and positive approach frees the instinct of competition, resulting in an excellent educational tool, especially suited for the needs of schools. Madball is intended to forester fairness, honesty and respect towards others .

Even some of the younger players the might not be as competitive, and less inclined to practice sports feel  drawn to the excitement of the games from the start.

Madball has received broad support in various school, and addition to being an economically feasible sport (because it takes advantage of basketball court with its’ hoops, the volleyball net in the centre of the court and a soft oval ball. The game maximizes space/time/attendance.

Besides being a constantly evolving sport. Madball is educational through its’ multidisciplinary game and therefore particularly suited to the very young.

For its’ educational value it has received through various exibition games, the sponsorship fron the Region of Tuscany, the City of Florence and numerous Educational Departments.

Madball is a sport in which you reach upwards, run a lot, jump, bend, sudden direction changes, quick accelerations and resist the opponent’ blockage.

As in all sports that make you run and breathe, it stimulate the blood circulation, oxygenate the blood and increase stamina. At the same time it improves reflexes, dexterity, motor coordination and the sense of strategy. Promotes team-building abilities.

It continuously exercises the sprint of observation and reflection in the young players.

It’s a game characterized by quick direction changes, stretching and agility. Madball activate the whole body, especially the arms and legs.

Due to its’ multidisciplinary nature it is an excellent training program for atlete of other sport discipline as well.

Madball is a sport that:

1- A meeting among people, expression of friendship and happines, open to everybody

2- A preventive tool to limit and stop uneasiness among the youth

3- Bring back  healthy sport competitiveness



Þ running under the net with the

ball is not allowed.

Þ the ball of madball is a special ball* similar to an American football ball. It can be thrown in any direction.

Þ the ball cannot be kicked .

Þ the ball must always be thrown over net.

Þ it is forbidden to throw yourself on the floor of the court in order to gain possession of the ball.

Þ it is not allowed to take ball from the hands of an opponent, who is not before being blocked.

Þ it is forbidden to grab the legs of the opponent.

Þ you can stop  an opponent by blocking him from the waist to the shoulders.

Þ once a player is blocked he is obliged to stop. He cannot  kick or struggle to free himself.

Þ in madball a small scrum, in defense of the ball, is possible. However the referee cannot allow the scrum to last longer than 8 seconds

Þ the player,  who is not  being blocked, cannot invite or encourage his opponent into a scrum.

Þ to score  a point the ball must be thrown into the opponent’s basket. Each basket(called

“mango”) will count for one point.